Sunday, 17 April 2022

Doing Reading 11


Week 11 is here and it is coming towards wrapping up the final bits for the book chapter and making final edits. My main focus for this week was to proofread and make any last final edits for my book chapter. Last week I added my authors bio and images to my chapter in the working document. This week I gathered all the content that was in my chapter, the text, the images and the bibliographies, and I put them into a single word document.

As it is coming toward the end of the term and completion of the book chapter, I found myself reading through my other classmate’s chapter to get a sense of the content that they were writing. I also had a read through my other classmates authors bios, to learn more about them and their process when making their book chapters.

I have enjoyed this experience of writing a book chapter, prior to creating this chapter I had no knowledge of games, I also did not realise how many components where involved regarding games, such as the origin of games, gamer psychology, gaming addiction and so much more!


My completed and separated book chapter can be found here

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