Tuesday, 5 October 2021

Game Design- An Introduction With Thoughts

The assignment readings for this week’s task provided a much essential insight into the world of games, game design and development.


The article “What is a Game, Anyway? “Establishes a definition of what a game is, what makes up a game and what it involves.

It was quite beneficial to read this article as an understanding of the game structure and plot was clearly defined.  The properties that make up a game, proved useful and are properties that would not have been thought of beforehand or in such technical terms. Some of these properties can be listen as follows “free, separate, unproductive, having certain outcome and make believe” (Roger Callois)


The second assigned reading, with the article title of "The Organic nature of game ideation” was quite an unexpected read.

The reading focuses heavily on game ideation and how systematic approaches to creativity can help accelerate the design process. 

The discussion of brainstorming is quite an important one when it comes to cultivating a new game. Often when the thought of brainstorming comes to mind, it is not followed by a systematic approach, upon reading and concluding this reading it is now understood that in order to yield the full potential of idea generation or a brainstorm that a systematic approach is the best method.


The last reading was followed up with the topic of “Idea generation” 


When it comes to game design and designing games, the process of generating ideas tends to be a popular roadblock. The “Scamper” method was one that caught the eye, the simplicity of just combining and substituting certain elements to an idea can really change the whole original concept and even stimulate a more engaging or even better idea.


Important things that were noted from his reading is where that, games have a clear-cut definition with a set of rules and guidelines. Creativity training is essential as it has a high impact on the originality of ideas. This is something that is quite essential for this current course as it does involved a lot of creative elements and would be beneficial moving forward.

                                                         Gaming Console Source


1 comment:

  1. Hey Karen, It was great to get your take on this weeks reading. Similar to you I found the 'Scamper' method really interesting in game creation. It sounded so simple but you can see how effective it can be. Especially when they mentioned Sonic being a blue hedgehog that can run fast. Where did that idea even come from?! You describe things in such an easy to understand way which is nice because sometimes these readings can be a little difficult to grasp. Kev



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