Friday 8 October 2021

Feedback Thoughts


Feedback Readings

This week is all about feedback, and to understand how feedback is received by individuals, two articles will be discussed around the topic:


“A fixed Mindset could be Holding You back”

This article speaks about the fixed mindset in comparison with the growth mindset, the conclusion that was received from this article was that having a growth mindset is much more preferred over a fixed one. An individual with a growth mindset is more open to setback and failure and working through ways they can do better or overcome the setbacks,

However those within a fixed mindset often do not receive the well, these individuals tend to believe that their abilities or intelligence is fixed or inherit and that there is nothing that they can do to improve this as it should already be a given, this is why they can be bitter towards feedback.


Rewiring the Self-Critical Brain”

This reading teaches all about REBS, which is short for Reality-based Self- Congratulation. This method helps to rewire the mindset of the brain by changing the way you think when you receive a setback or fall of track from a certain task, this can be any task in everyday life , such as work , school , or spots. It just involves acknowledging the setback then immediately getting back on track and rewarding yourself with a simple self-congratulatory phrase such as “I got this” “I can do this etc”


I learnt a lot from both of these articles, I learnt about myself and how I can best react to feedback. I know that I will be using the REBS method throughout my studies in this course and even in other aspects of my life, I’m also aware of how I can achieve a growth mindset and how beneficial it will be for me moving forward.

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