Tuesday, 26 April 2022

Reading 12


The final week has come and I didn’t think I would make it this far! I have to say I am very proud of myself for challenging myself each week to not only complete each of the research and essential tasks but also to complete extra credit tasks. And yes the extra points were a good motivator for completing the tasks but also the extra knowledge gained form the tasks were also useful. From the coding tasks to the tech tips to blog commenting and learning about growth mindset, each proved useful and beneficial for not only this module but this whole course.

 I thought it was a great idea to collectively create a book as a class, it allowed for peer review and analysis of each others work, this proved beneficial because I was able to get feedback from like minded individuals who were going through the same process

I really did find the researching skills very beneficial, although they were a bit tedious at times the end result proved to be worth it. I'm looking forward to applying these research skills to all aspects of my academic future, and hopefully use them to progress in my studies, hopefully to pursue a masters degree!

Check out my final book here 

Sunday, 17 April 2022

Doing Reading 11


Week 11 is here and it is coming towards wrapping up the final bits for the book chapter and making final edits. My main focus for this week was to proofread and make any last final edits for my book chapter. Last week I added my authors bio and images to my chapter in the working document. This week I gathered all the content that was in my chapter, the text, the images and the bibliographies, and I put them into a single word document.

As it is coming toward the end of the term and completion of the book chapter, I found myself reading through my other classmate’s chapter to get a sense of the content that they were writing. I also had a read through my other classmates authors bios, to learn more about them and their process when making their book chapters.

I have enjoyed this experience of writing a book chapter, prior to creating this chapter I had no knowledge of games, I also did not realise how many components where involved regarding games, such as the origin of games, gamer psychology, gaming addiction and so much more!


My completed and separated book chapter can be found here

Monday, 11 April 2022

Doing Final Chapter Edits

For this week’s reading task, I was required to update my book chapter by adding in some final edits. I was required to add in some graphics relating to my topic into my book chapter. I was also tasked with creating an author’s bio for the chapter and including my references.

The title of my book chapter is “Psychology of why people are gaming/gamer psychology”

I chose these two images to include in my book chapter because I believe they best represent what my chapter conveys. They also represent the aspects of gaming that my chapter conveys, which in this case are both positive and negative. Both images are sourced from Pixabay, a free online copyright free catalogue of images for use.

As I am now coming toward the end of this module and towards the end of the reading tasks of this module, I am able to look back on the full body of work that I have completed relating to this chapter and feel proud. I am quite proud of the research skills I have attained from this module. I’m happy that I’ve obtained these skills and I am looking forward to using these skills in future aspects of this course and module.

My updated book chapter can be found here!

Friday, 8 April 2022

Beginner Scripting : Delta Time


For this week’s extra credit task, I decided to choose the tutorial about Deltatime.

I chose this tutorial because the term delta time was a familiar statement that I had always come across when completing my unity tutorials and I wanted to further and recap my knowledge on it.

Some main points I was able to take away from the tutorial were:

The term Delta time, means the time between each update or fixed update call

Time between frames is not constant therefore they need to be modified by using delta time

It makes the movement of objects more smooth and takes away that glitching effect that would occur if it wasn’t implemented.

Monday, 4 April 2022

Reading 09


This week’s reading involved critically reading two of my peer’s work, commenting on them, providing feedback, and reviewing any feedback that I myself had received.


I found the task of reading my peers groupwork very beneficial. I was able to gain valuable knowledge of different chapter topics and gain an understanding of new topics relating to games and gaming.


Some feedback I was able to provide for my teammate’s where to change their style of writing, I found that when reviewing the text, they were written in the context of the first person. Based on what I have learnt thus far about academic writing and academic writing styles, I learnt that it is to be formal and that it should avoid personal opinions.

Some feedback I received for myself, were to break up long sentences into shorter ones and to ensure that each factual statement is referenced. I found this feedback very useful because I feel that as writer I can sometimes forget to include pauses and breaks between sentences. Moving forward I will be more aware of this and chose to structure my sentences better.


My book chapter and comments I left for my classmates can be found at this link here:


  After weeks of work and editing and writing and rewriting scripts I can successfully say that I have successfully completed my game! Thi...