Tuesday, 12 July 2022


This week I am continuing to work on my platformer game called “Flying Bird” so far, I have completed the all the basic fundamentals required for game set up. I have all my scripts created with all the functionality applied to them. I have my player controls implemented onto my avatar and I have also completely set up my game world. 

This week I am working on creating a score board for when the player dies in the game. The purpose of the score board is to inform the player of their final score and also inform them that thy have died and that the game Is over. I am also working on including a score board at the top of the game which can allow for the player to keep track of their score and even beat it with each game round. I am finding it difficult to implement these new changes to my game, however I have found useful video tutorials online which I am currently working through. 

My current goal for next week is to have all these changes implemented and completed so that I can  begin game testing by next week’s project task 

The link to the video I am referencing to can be linked here 


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