Tuesday, 19 July 2022

Tutorial 10


This week’s unity tutorial I was able to learn many new game design and coding techniques that I can and will use to apply to my final game. Some of the new elements learn can be listed as follows:

I learnt about using 2D and 3D view.

I learnt how to create a game manager object instead of a spawn manager which would have been typically used. This allows us to control the state of the game as more features are being added to it.

I learnt about mouse events this entailed how to make an object destroy itself when clicked. 

I leant about the platform Text mesh pro and canvas. These platforms allowed for the me to add in some UI elements to the game improving the experience for the player such as a score count ad player score board.

I learned how to create and manage game states to make it a smoother game experience for the player. I was able to do this by providing player feedback using the game over and reset button.

I learned how to use buttons in the game and make them active by giving them a command in the code, I was able to use the UI library used to help interact with buttons in scene.

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