Tuesday, 5 July 2022

Unity Tutorial 07

 I have now started unit 4 of the unity tutorials, upon finishing the game of the last tutorial I found this one to be interesting. This tutorial did prove to be slightly more challenging than the last one, I believe that as you go through the units in unity, the tutorials get increasingly harder, which is going of course to build my game design skills!

I was able to learn some new terms about game functionality. I was able to learn how to apply conditions in the script that will allow for the camera to rotate around the game world and also for the player to move in the direction that the camera is facing.  I learnt about co-ordinates within the game world and how they are used to place a specific game object where desired.

Although I learnt many new games task, I was able to revise over old familiar terms, such as vector and movement and direction of the player.

Whilst these are only a small few of the new terms I've listed , I have learnt that completing these tutorials, they are many more useful ones that I will most definitely apply and use when it comes to designing my own game.

source: screenshot from unity hub

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