Flying Bird
Game vision statement
The purpose of this document it to outline the plan for the upcoming game that I will be designing for this module, this document will provide a detailed outline of what is involved in the game, the game description and genre, concept art, information on how the game will be made, resources used, recommended platforms and a brief outline of my current game design skills.
“Can You make it through the Concrete City?”
Flying bird is the latest immersive platformer game, fly high through a city of skyscrapers of different lengths dodging the buildings as the game proceeds as you build your high score.
Description /Game Play
you will enter the world as a bird, you will be playing the game in a city simulated environment, there are buildings, skyscraper of various heights and width, your objective? Keep flying, keep flying through the world and avoiding the buildings, as you continue flying and as you pick up points you also pick up in speed, this new speed obstacle may make it difficult for you to progress. What happens if you crash? Then you start again from the original starting point, that’s as simple as it is, your aims and objectives of the game is to keep flying whilst increasing in speed and increasing your high score and flight time with each game.
Game genre –
Flying Bird is a platformer game, this game is heavily inspired from the original platformer game “Flappy Bird” the genre of platformer allowes the player to control a character whilst moving through a world, in this case we will be controlling an animal/ a bird flying through tall buildings in a city. The purpose of a platformer game is to conquer the obstacles, earn points and build on scores.
This game style originates in the early 1980s, this platformer games consists of 4 main characteristics, these include an interactive environment, a third person perspective, vertical and horizontal movement, and controlled jumping.
This game will be mainly designed for a desktop or computer platform. I would like for this game to be used on mobile devices but due to my limited skills in game design, it will be designed for a desktop.
Conceptual Art
Below have some rough mock-ups displaying how I would like my game to appear, I have the flying bird asset which can be bought from the unity asset shop, and I also have an image of an animated city skyline which I have Photoshopped the 3D bird onto, these design mock-ups best represents how the game will turn out.
source: photoshopped image of ideal game world
Resources required
In order to create this game, I will be using the unity hub, however as I am still in the early stages of game development, I will have to complete more unity tutorials in order to build my skills and understanding of game design.
Unity- links to create a platformer game
This source that I found on unity provides a guideline how to complete a 2D platformer game, of course in this case the game will be a 3D platformer, but the tutorial still proves useful. I will also be able to buy and create assets for the game on the unity store, these assets will include a city/skyscraper background environment, and 3D- flying bird. This unity tutorial will be useful as it gives guidelines on creating your own desirable game environment using the Tile map editor, this is essentially an artistic tool which allow users to paint directly in unity and to be able to create vast and complicate tile maps within unity.
This vison statement clearly outlines it purpose, which is to create a platformer game called Flying bird. The game will be presented in a third person view and the player will have control of the bird, moving it forwards and backwards and up and down to doge the obstacles. The purpose of the game will be to continue flying until you crash and with each flight you aim to beat your high score. In order for the player to record their high score I will put a timer within the game, so that witch each play the player can see and record their scores. I will create the game environment using the unity software. I feel confident in this game idea so far, I believe that I have the basics skills to create and set up he game environment and as the weeks progress I will gain more skills and become more confident using unity.