Tuesday, 12 October 2021

Game Idea


Game Idea 


So for my Game Idea, I thought to draw inspiration from games that I liked to play, most of these where mobile designed games and they all often follow a simple format, this involved moving an object in a certain direction whilst avoiding obstacles to either collect points or reach the end goal. Below I have listed my top four ideas.


1.     Flappy bird

This mobile game involved using the touch screen in a sliding motion to control a bird, there are various obstacles involved in the game, some of these include pipes and floating bricks, as you progress on in the levels the obstacles become more harder, some of these may include other flying birds! I liked this game idea as it is simple and effective, there is no end goal in this game, the objective of the game is to see how long you can last without dying by crashing into one of the obstacles, so it gives you an opportunity each time to increase your high score, which is the addicting part of the game!


2.     Subway Surfers 

This is a similar game type to flappy bird as it has no ending, the objecting of this game is to keep playing each time in order to beat your personal score. It is an endless game which involves a chosen character running on and underground subway, there are obstacles on the subway such as trains, cones and tunnels that have to be avoided, as you progress in the game the speed of the runner gets faster, and the obstacles become closer and some of them even move e.g., moving trains. I like this idea because this a similar objective of flappy bird, it is simple, addictive and the objective of the game is to increase your high score.


3.     Temple Run

This is another mobile game that I was inspired by. It Involves a character running with no ending to the game, however the setup is different , the character is running in a jungle from a large animal and the character has to avoid different obstacles in the jungle, the objective of this game again is to increase your high score with each run.



4.     High Heels 

The final game that I was inspired by is a bit different to the others, The game is called high heels and it involves walking on a fashion runway and collecting heels to reach the end of the runway, however it is not that simple , the more heels you collect the harder it is to balance and also there are obstacles along the way that reduce the height of the heels you have collected. The objective of the game is to basically reach the end of the runway with the highest heels possible and there are different level and worlds that can be unlocked with each level. I like this game because of the useability and the colors, I like how the game is different to other games that I’ve played before and I also like the fact that there is an end goal for the game.


                                                                       High Heels Game

Monday, 11 October 2021

Game Elements – Week 04 Reading

 This weeks reading involved the game elements and what elements make up the components of a game


Game Elements

The article summarises the qualities and elements required for a game, there are some fundamental elements that are required for making games and these can b listed as follows; The game objectives, players , game state , information , sequencing, theme, narrative , setting and the player interaction. These are often referred to as the atomic elements of games as they are the smallest parts of the game and can be isolated and studied individually.

Another factor to note from this article is the importance of critical analysis in relation to game design. Its important for discussing or comparing games in a non biased way. Something important to take away from this article is that in order to design a successful and functioning game, all the formal game elements must be predefined.


This informative video gives a good introduction into the methods involved in game design prototyping.

Game design prototyping can be described as an experimental process where rough ideas are iterated either digitally or onto paper.

This process of prototyping is an important one especially when it comes to establishing the mechanics, it act as a starting point and help to develop the game and add any additional changes which may be needed.


Formal Abstract Design Tools 

This article emphasizes the importance of setting up a common vocabulary for game design.

The benefits of creating a design vocabulary can allow for the following, it can act as a tool kit to help game designers refine how games work. These tools are an important aspect when it comes to understanding game design, they are also important for maximising the players feeling of self-involvement. Some examples of some formal abstract design tools can be listed as follows:

 Intention- this is the first abstract design tool, it involves understanding the world of the game, making a plan and acting on it, it is a means of getting the player invested and involved in the game

Perceivable consequence- this is a defined reaction from the game world from the action of the player

Story- this is the thread-narrative, it can be designer-driven or player-driven, it is an element that binds events together to allow players to forward to the completion of the game.

Saturday, 9 October 2021

Unity tutorial 01

I have just completed my first ever unity Tutorial on how to make a game!


I must say that is a lot more difficult that I thought it would be, the tutorials are very specific especially the coding parts. 


Upon starting I found it quite straight forward to open the unity platform and set up the world structure for the game, however when it came to the coding parts of the tutorial that was when I began to get lost. I am not new to coding as I had completed it last year in my web development module. But I felt that with these tutorials there was a lot of new words, especially when it came to the coding part, that I was unfamiliar with, (such as vector) there is also a lot of calculations, math’s and physics involved when it comes to building a game, something that I had not even thought of beforehand. I never considered that you would have to add a gravity effect to a car to prevent it from floating in the game! I always assumed that it was a given.


Although I found it difficult, I think that this module will be quite beneficial down the line, and I am looking forward to practicing with unity more. I’m also looking forward to improving my skills to be able to create a game of my own, which I know will take time and practice.

My Unity workspace 

Friday, 8 October 2021

Feedback Thoughts


Feedback Readings

This week is all about feedback, and to understand how feedback is received by individuals, two articles will be discussed around the topic:


“A fixed Mindset could be Holding You back”

This article speaks about the fixed mindset in comparison with the growth mindset, the conclusion that was received from this article was that having a growth mindset is much more preferred over a fixed one. An individual with a growth mindset is more open to setback and failure and working through ways they can do better or overcome the setbacks,

However those within a fixed mindset often do not receive the well, these individuals tend to believe that their abilities or intelligence is fixed or inherit and that there is nothing that they can do to improve this as it should already be a given, this is why they can be bitter towards feedback.


Rewiring the Self-Critical Brain”

This reading teaches all about REBS, which is short for Reality-based Self- Congratulation. This method helps to rewire the mindset of the brain by changing the way you think when you receive a setback or fall of track from a certain task, this can be any task in everyday life , such as work , school , or spots. It just involves acknowledging the setback then immediately getting back on track and rewarding yourself with a simple self-congratulatory phrase such as “I got this” “I can do this etc”


I learnt a lot from both of these articles, I learnt about myself and how I can best react to feedback. I know that I will be using the REBS method throughout my studies in this course and even in other aspects of my life, I’m also aware of how I can achieve a growth mindset and how beneficial it will be for me moving forward.

Tuesday, 5 October 2021

Game Design- An Introduction With Thoughts

The assignment readings for this week’s task provided a much essential insight into the world of games, game design and development.


The article “What is a Game, Anyway? “Establishes a definition of what a game is, what makes up a game and what it involves.

It was quite beneficial to read this article as an understanding of the game structure and plot was clearly defined.  The properties that make up a game, proved useful and are properties that would not have been thought of beforehand or in such technical terms. Some of these properties can be listen as follows “free, separate, unproductive, having certain outcome and make believe” (Roger Callois)


The second assigned reading, with the article title of "The Organic nature of game ideation” was quite an unexpected read.

The reading focuses heavily on game ideation and how systematic approaches to creativity can help accelerate the design process. 

The discussion of brainstorming is quite an important one when it comes to cultivating a new game. Often when the thought of brainstorming comes to mind, it is not followed by a systematic approach, upon reading and concluding this reading it is now understood that in order to yield the full potential of idea generation or a brainstorm that a systematic approach is the best method.


The last reading was followed up with the topic of “Idea generation” 


When it comes to game design and designing games, the process of generating ideas tends to be a popular roadblock. The “Scamper” method was one that caught the eye, the simplicity of just combining and substituting certain elements to an idea can really change the whole original concept and even stimulate a more engaging or even better idea.


Important things that were noted from his reading is where that, games have a clear-cut definition with a set of rules and guidelines. Creativity training is essential as it has a high impact on the originality of ideas. This is something that is quite essential for this current course as it does involved a lot of creative elements and would be beneficial moving forward.

                                                         Gaming Console Source


Sunday, 3 October 2021

Technology Tools

The new tool that I learnt about from this lesson was the use of RSS feeds, I think it is a great way to compile all the blogs of my classmates, as it will help me keep up with their posts and allow me to comment in sufficient Time. I think I am quite well versed in a lot of the other recommended tools, I already had a prior knowledge of the use of bookmarks, Pinterest, and the image editing platforms like mac preview, I also have a good knowledge of the use of canvas and adobe spark so I think it will give me an advantage as the year goes on.

                                                   picture of man using computer source

Thoughts on Assignments

After reading the section “More About Assignments” on the multimedia website, there was a few sections that I found interesting.


·      The section about academic reading I think will be very beneficial moving on in this course, I often find academic journals to be quite wordy and with this weekly task I think it will help me to finally break down and learn how to grab information effectively from the journals.

·      I’m looking forward to the weekly tasks of commenting on other individuals blog posts, I think this is also a great way to not only get to know my other class members, but to see how they are doing in the course and perhaps get an insight into how they are feeling about certain tasks.

·      Lastly, upon looking at the extra credit tasks there was some that caught my eye, and this was the “Tech Tasks” I quite enjoy the idea of building websites and I loved learning that Twitter Widget skill that we did earlier on, so I’m excited to see what other skills I can learn and how I can implement them in my blog.

Photo of Laptop source

Time Management strategies

So after just reading two articles, one on the effectiveness of checklists and the other was about overcoming procrastination, I now think that time management is an important topic, both in this course and in all aspects of life. 

Some skills I learnt about procrastination, that I was not already aware of before was the skill of “removing the first blockade” this is often my biggest enemy when it comes to starting and completing a task, now with the simple skill of just asking myself “why is this so hard to complete” or “why am I unable to achieve this” has been quite useful to help me overcome the blockade and start the task. 

The other article I read about checklists was somewhat familiar to me, as I have been using checklists for the longest time. I wanted to read more to ensure I was getting the maximum efficacy of them, and I learnt that the most simplest activity of ticking off times on the checklist can increase motivation and productivity, so moving forward I think I will definitely continue using them and make them even more task specific.

The psychology of Checklists  By Lauren Marchese

How to beat procrastination by Caroline Webb


                                                        Digital image of brain source


  After weeks of work and editing and writing and rewriting scripts I can successfully say that I have successfully completed my game! Thi...